Our Elected Officials Do Speak for Us, Whether We Like it or Not (Not a Political Post)

This post isn't a political one, but I have noticed something over the past few years regarding how we talk about politics that I'd like to call out, partly because it's just incorrect, and partly because it has implications for how we read and understand the Scriptures. For a long time now I've seen social … Continue reading Our Elected Officials Do Speak for Us, Whether We Like it or Not (Not a Political Post)

A Beauty Regimen for God’s People

This fall I've been teaching on the topic of holiness in my ACG. I decided on this topic for two reasons. First, there was the desire to tackle something more practical than topics we've covered recently. Second, the connection between holiness and the church's (and believer's) witness is a strong one in both the Old … Continue reading A Beauty Regimen for God’s People

Baptism as Effectual Means of Salvation

I know those words will create a visceral reaction in some. I'm sorry (not really). Those words aren't my own...and I'm not pulling them from a Catholic Catechism. In fact, they show up in a Baptist Catechism (from 1677)! Q. 98. How do Baptism and the Lord’s Supper become effectual means of salvation? A. Baptism … Continue reading Baptism as Effectual Means of Salvation