>Great Video and an Important Lesson

>So funny. Bob showed us this video today in our staff meeting. What's so weird about this speech is how the passion and intensity rise at weird moments. He's excited. Ok, that's good. but he's running for treasurer! And he emphasizes odd things - like 'MA in COMMUNICATION', and Albert Einstein and 'INFESTATION'. Wonder if … Continue reading >Great Video and an Important Lesson

>My confidence in our leaders plummets (update)

>Ok, plummets is an exaggeration. It didn't have that far to fall. But after seeing this, it may have just hit an all time low.Update: apparently, Rep. Johnson was joking. At least, that's what he said in a written statement on Thursday. "The subtle humor of this obviously metaphorical reference to a ship capsizing illustrated … Continue reading >My confidence in our leaders plummets (update)