Parents, don’t confuse “Proud of” with “Happy for”

I was recently listening to a song by Maverick City Worship called Jireh. One line hit me, "it doesn't take a trophy to make you proud." I certainly hope my sons know that it doesn't take trophies, A's, scholarships, or accolades to make me proud. But, my language may actually convey that those things are … Continue reading Parents, don’t confuse “Proud of” with “Happy for”

Finding Balance in Family Bible Reading

This morning I will be sharing with the Mom's group at ECC on the topic of family Bible reading.  Our family has certainly had it's ups and downs, its trials and errors, and its successes. There have been, shamefully, periods where we've gone months without consistent Bible reading together. And, there's been other periods, more … Continue reading Finding Balance in Family Bible Reading